Happy 9th Birthday of His Holiness the Yangsi Rinpoche

Date: 2020/12/31

Wishing Happy 9th Birthday to the Yangsi of His Holiness Drubwang Pema Norbu Rinpoche, Mingyur Dechen Garwang Zilnon Dorjee Rinpoche. I sincerely pray for his longevity and may his dharma activities increase like the waxing moon, and continue the legacy of His Holiness Drubwang Pema Norbu Rinpoche.

I genuinely appreciate and rejoice to all the faithful staffs led by the Board Members in serving determinedly and the students studying diligently so that Yangsi Rinpoche continues the legacy of His Holiness Drubwang Pema Norbu who had dedicated his whole life in benefiting the buddha doctrine and sentient beings.

When the whole world is going through hard time facing pandemic, our monastery is totally taken care by the Board Members, the Covid Committee and health workers working day and night tirelessly - like even guarding the gates, etc. - ensuring the safety of all the monks and nuns residing inside. Thank you all very much. This way we have somehow fulfilled a wish of His Holiness, thus accumulated immense merits and purified obscurations.

I would also like to extend my thanks with extreme appreciation and joy to all the Board Members, staffs and teachers for skillfully managing in carrying the annual academic programs of our monastery even during pandemic situation, and for successfully completing the annual exams of the Institute, Jr. School and Nunnery of this year.

It was so disappointing for us left without option but to ask monks and nuns to stay back at where they are due to the pandemic. And we understand that some might have gone through hard times. Now, we have come out with plan for your return to the monastery. Follow the protocol once the notice is announced and come back home safely.

Looking forward for our gathering as usual.
Take care and stay safe.
Once again Happy 9th Birthday of His Holiness the Yangsi Rinpoche!
Happy New Year to all!
May you all have long, healthy and happy life!
By Gyang Khang Tulku